The Ayurvedic Approach to Eye Health
The Ayurvedic Approach to Eye Health

Has it ever occurred to your mind what will happen if you lose your ability to see? That is scary, right? But it can happen if you do not care for your eyes. Our eyes are used more than ever, especially with mobile and laptop screens. Excess use of eyes can cause stress in the form of burning, dark circles, dry eyes, headaches, or any other vision issues. The Ayurvedic Approach to Eye Health

Even if you are exposed to the sun, then ultraviolet rays from the sun may also lead to several eye issues, including macular and cataract degeneration, which can also impair vision. If you seek a way to strengthen your eyes, Ayurveda is the best option! You can get an Ayurveda course Rishikesh to treat your eyes adequately.

Ayurvedic Ways To Sooth Eye Problems

Create Rituals and Awareness About Screen Time

The sun emits is known as white light, and within that, there is a different wavelength that will make up the spectrum of light that you can see with your eyes.

There is one more wavelength that is beneficial for humans, which is blue light, as it boosts energy, mood, and cognitive functioning. On the other hand, the artificial blue light that our smartphones, tablets, and laptops expose us to can cause eye strain, inflammation, dry eyes, weariness, headaches, and insomnia.

This is because many people in the digital era spend countless hours in front of computer screens or smartphone screens, and our eyes were not designed to withstand such a high level of unnatural blue light exposure.

According to the website for Prevent Blindness, prolonged exposure to blue light can harm retinal cells, which in turn can cause macular degeneration. That is why you should get 200-hour Ayurveda yoga TTC in Rishikesh and get some awareness about screen time.

Just Take Proper Intervals

Taking breaks is what matters the most. If anyone spends a lot of time in front of a screen, they should take a break and refocus their eyes on some objects available at some distance. If there is any local nature, look at the trees, sky, flowers, and birds to assist your senses in rebalancing. Even if you get the Best ayurveda treatment in Rishikesh, they will ask you to take proper breaks. The Ayurvedic Approach to Eye Health

Drink Herbal Tea

If you are working in front of a screen, take a few moments off and drink herbal tea, reducing stress. Many different brands of herbal tea are specially made to moisturize your body and give your body a relaxed and calm effect on the body. The Ayurvedic Approach to Eye Health

Eye Palming

Because we take in and digest so much through our eyes, this may become exhausting and unpleasant for our nervous systems and eyes. Include eye palming in your day to encourage relaxation and calm the alochaka pitta and the optic nerves that have been overworked.

Sit comfortably in a darkened room and vigorously rub your palms together until you feel some heat to practice eye palming. Please put your hands on your closed eyes while they are closed, and avoid putting pressure on the cheeks or eye sockets.

Netra Basti

Netra Basti is a common Ayurvedic eye therapy in which medicated ghee is poured into a dough dam formed around each eye. The oil enters the eye while the eyes are still open, curing various conditions. Netra Basti is recommended if your eyes are itchy, dry, red, watery, uncomfortable, worn out, or swollen.

Netra Tarpana treatment in Rishikesh also improves eyesight, stops retinal degeneration, and treats glaucoma.

Ayurvedic Treatments to Make the Eyes Stronger

1.     Dosha Balance

To preserve total health, including eye health, Ayurveda strongly emphasizes balancing the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. An imbalance in doshas might impact the eyes because they each have distinctive qualities.

Maintaining dosha balance and promoting eye health can be achieved by being aware of one’s dosha constitution and adopting the proper dietary and lifestyle choices.

2.     Diet and Nutrition

Ayurveda places great importance on diet in maintaining eye health. Including foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, is beneficial for the eyes. Due to their high antioxidant content, fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly leafy greens like spinach and kale, support eye health.

To nourish the eyes, Ayurveda recommends incorporating cooling and hydrating foods like cucumber and aloe vera.

3.     Eye Hygiene

To avoid eye infections and promote general eye health, Ayurveda strongly emphasizes maintaining good oral hygiene. Simple procedures can maintain the eyes clean and clear of irritants, such as rinsing them with clean water, squirting cold water on closed eyelids, and refraining from excessive rubbing.

To lessen eye strain, Ayurveda advises avoiding prolonged exposure to bright lights and excessive screen usage. It is an excellent way to reduce eye or vision-related problems.

4.     Ayurvedic eye treatment

Specialized therapies and treatments are available in Ayurveda to maintain and enhance eye health. Netra Tarpana, an Ayurvedic eye rejuvenating technique, includes bathing the eyes in medicated ghee to lubricate and nourish them.

It helps with eyesight improvement, eye strain, and dry eyes in particular. Another therapy called Netra Basti is making a well out of dough over the eyes and putting heated herbal oil in it. This treatment supports overall eye health and helps treat several eye problems.

5.     Emotional Wellbeing

The relationship between eye health and emotional well-being is acknowledged in Ayurveda. Eye health can be impacted by stress, anxiety, and emotional imbalance.

Meditation, breathing exercises, and stress management strategies are examples of ayurvedic activities that can indirectly benefit eye health by reducing emotional imbalances and promoting calm. 


Ayurveda can improve a person’s eye health, and if you take a course from Ayurveda course in Rishikesh, it will give you the best results. When adopted, Ayurvedic principles and practices can be beneficial for maintaining eye health.

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Ayurveda Teacher Training equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to teach the ancient holistic health system of Ayurveda.