Due to our hectic schedules and inconsistent diets, the majority of us regularly have stomach aches. Ayurveda was used by ancient peoples to enhance their health and longevity. We have compiled a list of easy Ayurvedic home therapies as suggested by our Ayurveda Rishikesh India that you might easily try at home to maintain or improve your digestive health. Ayurvedic Treatment for Digestive Problems

The Ayurvedic Approach to Digestive Disorders

According to Ayurvedic medicine, a person suffering from Agnimandya has a weak digestive fire that is unable to transform rasa (nutrients) into Ojas (the body’s essential vitality). Bad digestion is both a risk factor for and a direct cause of numerous health issues. Ayurvedic Treatment for Digestive Problems

In Ayurvedic medicine, according to our Ayurveda treatment in Rishikesh, one’s health and well-being are heavily dependent on one’s diet and metabolic rate. Food, drink, mental, and emotional input, as well as physical sensations, make up our daily life. Agni, which means “digestive fire” in Sanskrit, breaks down food and other substances so our bodies may utilise the good stuff and get rid of the bad. In Ayurveda, Agni has three forms. That’s because they are –

  • Agni, or Jataragni, resides in the small intestine and the stomach.
  • Bhutagni, also known as the Agni, is one of the five elements.
  • Dhathwagni, also known as Agni, is a vital force that permeates all Dhatus.

Effects of Ayurveda on Agni in the Stomach and a Home Treatment to Soothe It

It has been demonstrated that the following natural remedies can help calm a person’s individual Agni:

  • Amla or the Indian gooseberry

Amla juice, which you have likely never heard of, is excellent for reducing stomach acid and relieving heartburn.


Take amla juice, 15-20 ml. Fill it up to the same level as the water. Take this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

  • Bael Sharbat or Wood Apple Infusion

Due to its relaxing and cooling properties, bael has become a popular treatment for stomach aches. It improves intestinal health due to its high fibre content.


Use ripe fruit to make Bel ka sharbat every day. Opening a Bael with a spoon removes the pulp. Hand-mix the pulp after soaking. To remove seeds, strain water. Bael pulp must be absolutely smooth before usage. To taste, add sugar, jaggery, or Gud.

  • Ghritkumari or Aloe Vera

According to our Treatment in Rishikesh, those with irritable bowel syndrome or IBS and heartburn can greatly benefit from drinking aloe vera juice.


In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink 1/2 cup of water and 1/4 cup of aloe vera juice.

  • Chaach or buttermilk

Try Chaach if you’re experiencing severe constipation, indigestion, or acid reflux.


Start your day off with a glass of buttermilk on an empty stomach. You can also try taking one teaspoon of Triphala powder with a glass of buttermilk after a meal.

  • Isabgol or fleas seeds

Constipation is reduced and regular bowel motions are encouraged with the use of Isabgol.


Have a glass of warm milk with a tablespoon of Isabgol seeds in it every night before bed.

  • Triphala

Triphala, which consists of the herbs like Haritaki, amla, and Bejada or Bibhitaki, is great for preventing and treating digestive issues including constipation.


Take one teaspoon of Triphala before bedtime to keep regular bowel motions and digestive health.

  • Gourds

Bottle gourd, also known as Cabalash, has been shown to be quite helpful for people who suffer from diarrhoea. The high water and fibre content, low-calorie count, and low-fat level all contribute to its soothing effects on the digestive tract, as described by Ayurveda medicine under our Ayurveda treatment in Rishikesh.


You can make a soup, a stew, or a tomato-based curry and serve it over rice.

  • Ginger 

Drink plenty of fluids, according to our Ayurveda courses in Kerala India, perhaps more than usual, if you have diarrhoea so that you don’t become dehydrated. You can also use buttermilk, fruit juice (particularly apple and pomegranate), or ginger tea. This digestive aid is popular due to its antioxidant content, ability to rehydrate, and vitamin restoration. Because it stimulates digestion, ginger is a good diarrhoea treatment. Rapid medication delivery for diarrhoea is not recommended in Ayurveda. Ginger helps the body naturally eliminate toxins and stop diarrhoea. Ayurvedic Treatment for Digestive Problems


It’s best to consume the shredded ginger with a large glass of water and chew it thoroughly.

In What Ways Can Ayurveda Be Used to Treat Digestive Disorders?

● Make Meditation Part of Your Daily Routine

Growing research suggests that regular meditation might alter DNA in ways that benefit digestion and overall health. For this, we suggest that you take any of the 200-hour ayurveda yoga TTC in Rishikesh or the 300-hour ayurveda yoga TTC in Rishikesh or the 500-hour ayurveda yoga TTC in Rishikesh. To see the most benefits, meditate for 20-30 minutes twice daily, in the morning and the evening. The best advice is to make exercise a regular part of your life.

According to research, it has been found that daily walks of 15 minutes after meals helped to mitigate post-meal blood sugar surges. These 15- to 30-minute strolls post-meal were more effective than a 45-minute walk once daily.

● Avoid Overeating

To aid digestion, our Ayurveda Treatment in Rishikesh suggests leaving about a fourth of the stomach empty after each meal. The midday meal is the most significant of the day.

According to our Ayurveda And Panchakarma in Kerala, the gastrointestinal systems function at peak efficiency during the day, when our attention is focused on productive endeavours. The body’s production of “digestive fluids” peaks around midday, thus it makes sense to consume the majority of the calories at that time. The body naturally prepares for sleep by slowing down and relaxing in the evening. In the evening, when the digestive fire is at its weakest, one may more likely experience fatigue and have problems sleeping.

Resolving Tummy Troubles Using Ayurvedic Remedies

You may be able to purge your body of toxins with the use of our Panchakarma treatment in Rishikesh. Panchakarma is a set of five different purification rituals (medicated enema, medicine-induced vomiting, drug-induced purgation, and bloodletting).

Detoxing will be beneficial to your digestive system. The massage or Abhyangam treatment in Rishikesh that we provide and the oil-dripping or Shirodhara treatment in Rishikesh are the two ancient Indian practices that have been shown to alleviate stress and promote wellness. These are widely available in Ayurveda treatment in Rishikesh.

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