How This Head Massage Therapy Holds a Great Place in the field of ayurveda procedures?
This treatment is also known as ayurvedic head massage. If this massage is applied to the feet and ears then it is known as pada abhyagam. This kind of massage is given regularly to make these human body parts feel relaxed. The human body is like tree whose top portion is the head, middle portion is the hands as its branches. The human body also needs nutrients to get nourishment. Shiroabhyanga treatment involves the use of massage oil made by ayurvedic herbs to the head of the human body. This oil gives massage to the head and gives relaxation for a healthy and happy mind. It gives mental relaxation.
What are the benefits of Shiroabhyanga treatment?
This treatment involves use of massage oil applied on the head to cure and prevent headache.
It prevents hair fall, graying of hair & baldness and produces black hair when applied on them.
It helps in giving nourishment to the sensory organs of the human body.