Navara Kizhi Treatment- Shastika Shali Pinda Sweda or Bolus Fomentation
Navara Kizhi Therapy with Shastika Shali Pinda Sweda
Navara Kizhi is a form of steam treatment or ayurvedic swedana. Shastika Shali is a type of specific rice that is obtained after growing for sixty days. It is also called Navara. The rice used in this therapy is special and it has the property to heal the body due to its medicinal value. A Potli or bolus is tied by filling the rice inside it. Some specific types of medicinal herbs are also put inside the bolus with the rice.
The medicinal bolus is then used for sudation or sweat treatment. It is a massage therapy in which sweat is induced and rice bolus is applied to the body.
Benefits of Navara Kizhi
It increases the muscle strength and makes them healthy